Precious Camo/Camie Is A Very Sick Puppy… (Tuesday PM Update… Day 13)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Precious Camo/Camie Is A Very Sick Puppy… (Tuesday PM Update… Day 13)

Precious Camo/Camie Is A Very Sick Puppy… (Tuesday Pm… Day 13)
By Gloria Faye Brown Bates/aka Granny Gee

Status Update… Camo is resting comfortably… she had a big day at the animal hospital… lots of medicine, a special medicinal bath, injections; loving care.  Thank-you to Louisburg Veterinary Clinic, Dr. Fontenot and Staff…… I’m so glad we found you.  The photo above is of Camie tonight… she’s such a sick little puppy…..
Precious Camo/Camie went to the animal hospital today (photos below… beautiful house that’s purple).Camie’s 1st visit to vet … Dr. Fontenot. What a nice place to take one’s babies. He kept Camie most all day to do the things he needed to.

Camie weighs 35 lbs. She is approximately 7 months old. She has a fever of 103.6, and is very sick.Camie is very sick; the doctor stated that it’ll take several months to get her well. We love her, whatever it takes we will try to get it done. We will take one visit at a time.

She is scheduled for an injection every Tuesday morning at 10:30 am for 4-8 weeks.

Camie can’t get her surgery to be spayed at least for a month. She’s too sick…

Camie has 3 bottles of medicine, and special medicated shampoo for her skin. I will bathe her once a week in the shampoo. The medicines she’ll take every day.

She has demodectic mange; plus her little body got in worse condition by laying out on a cold, wet ground dying. When I rescued her, she had maggots falling off her.

Below are photos of her medicines, shampoo. Also, just the procedures done today… she has many more visits ahead to get her well.

We are thankful to the vet for caring for her today. They are very good there. You can see his name, website in the photos… I think you would be very happy to carry your pets to him.

We met a gentleman in there, while waiting to pick up Camie…. he rescues a lot of cats, dogs. He’s been going to Dr. Fontenot for a long time…. the man told us how good he is… compassionate. We are thankful to have him for Camie’s vet. His staff is very nice, also.

Dr. Fontenot comes out to talk, explain all. He takes time to do that… it meant a lot to us. Thank-you.

Okay…. you won’t believe what breed she is! Mezza, you were half-right. :))) I was so amazed…… I have rescued a little………………………
Australian Shepherd puppy.

Dr. Fontenot said it will take at least 2 months to see her hair grow back, and see what she really looks like. :))) What a surprise to come! I’m amazed…. and I’m very excited to see how beautiful she’s going to be. I knew her hair was ‘two colors’ in places.

Well… we all will see together… Camie blossom into a rose…. a beautiful little rose. Let the journey begin………. I’m so happy you all are here to follow her. Your thoughts, and prayers are working… thank-you from my Heart.

You all mean the world to us. I know prayers work… that’s why I won my battles when very ill. I believe in miracles. The same with Skip. We both are cancer survivors… so, we are miracles.

I can’t wait to be able to put my arms around Camie to just hold her, and not hurt her. I know my Heart will fill with such joy.

For now… once a week when I use her medicinal shampoo… I’ll get to hold her so gently when she’s in her towels. So… every week she will go to her own personal ‘Camie Spa’…. be pampered. You’ll see photos! :)))

Goodnight now. Camie is resting after her big day. Love, Gloria/Granny Gee